

About Us

Troop 1014 is a BSA Scouting boy troop that is chartered by the Faith Chapel (formerly Christ United Church of Cypress). We are currently led by Scoutmaster Rob Eubanks, Eagle scout. Meetings are held at 7:00 pm Monday nights at Faith Chapel, 14207 Telge, Rd, Cypress.


Troop 1014 FAQs:

  • # of active scouts: 60
  • # of active Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmasters: 19
  • Meetings:  Monday nights at 7:00pm at our home location of Faith Chapel at Telge and Huffmeister
  • Joining Fee: $238 includes BSA 2021 membership, troop t-shirt, scout book, troop neckerchief and slide, troop patch and shoulder epaulettes ($168 if scout is rechartered with their pack before they join troop)
  • Annual Dues after first year:  $70 for Scout recharter fee due in Oct/Nov and $100 troop fees due in March
  • Summer Camp:  past locations include Oklahoma, Tennessee, Colorado and Arkansas for a week at the end of June.  The cost is typically around $550 including the camp fee and transportation costs including a charter bus.
  • Campouts:  The troop camps once a month except for July and August.  There is no camping fee fr most campouts (with the exception of special locations such as private camp site) but there is a grub fee of $12-$15 for a Friday night to Sunday morning campout.  There may also be additional costs if the troop decides to do an extra activity at a campout such as a tour, canoeing, etc..
  • Equipment:  The troop provides tents, lanterns for group use and all cooking supplies (excluding food which will be done by the scouts in grub patrols).  The scout will need to provide his own sleeping mat, sleeping bag and personal camping items such as mess kit, water bottle, flashlight, etc.  Cots are not allowed in the troop tents on weekend campouts unless there is a medical need. 
  • Register online here: https://my.scouting.org/online-registration/8d22a919-be1e-4384-8263-000b184694b6/applicant-type